Green veggies and other deeply hued produce get a lot of attention but white fruits and vegetables deserve a little of that limelight.
I actually I spoke to CNN about it in this video:
Video Link:
Hope you take a moment to watch the video. There are lots of fruits and vegetables that peak in winter and deliver incredible health benefits including cauliflower, apples, pears, parsnips, turnips, onions, garlic or more adventurous rutabagas and celeriac. And yes… even white potatoes. While available year round, these fruits and veggies are tastiest in the winter.
Here are a few ways I like to enjoy winter whites…
- Pears. I got the best Comice pears a couple weeks ago. They were perfect paired with sharp cheddar cheese or walnuts but also made a sweet snack.
- Cauliflower. I love to roast cauliflower with a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of pepper and Parmesan cheese.
- Parsnips. They get super sweet when roasted. Try them this way as a side dish.
- Garlic and onions. Well, I keep both of these on hand to add a punch of flavor. They go in most of my savory dishes.
What are your favorites?
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